Hearing voices after a traumatic event.

I don't care what the Jews do. What a God damn disappointment this conversation turned out to be.

No one was listening to you or paying any attention to you but you had some interesting stuff to say so I thought I would give you a chance but I was clearly wrong. I bet those psyonic telepaths have wormed their way right into your brain haven't they?

Do you even realise why I don't care about this stuff? Do you realise why no doctor has ever cared? Because we know about it. Psyonics, pyramidal amplifiers, volcanic magnetic blocks. Do you know where the safest places in the world are? Let me give you a hint: its not next to an active volcano. Its in the middle of a hospital. MRIs, ECGs, X-Rays. You think we need all that stuff running constantly? Its running interference.

The psyonics have got you right where they want you, buddy. Do me a favour. Humour me. Go sit in your local ED as close as you can get to the diagnostic equipment as you can, and tell me your head doesn't feel clearer, that you feel less irritated and anxious. After that do me one better, go ask any doctor outside of ear shot of the nurses anything about what you believe in and they will straight up tell you, like I have. Why? Because everyone else's head is filled with fog... they don't want to hear this stuff and they don't want to believe it. That's why I have no problem telling you. Everyone is going to skip right over my comment like they always do.

Do that and come back once you realise I'm right. Then we can start talking about real shit.

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