The heart of an obese person (NSFW)

What? It seems like you completely forgot anything put in previous posts but continue to talk because you'd like to feel important.

Seriously, reread what you put. I mentioned instances in which a certain type of person behaved in disgusting ways towards myself. Since I have experienced mostly negative things concerning people with this type of eating disorder, I choose to avoid being around them. #notallfatpeople I'm sure. You made several comments belittling my experiences and basically implying that I'm just bitching. Yes, because the piece of shit with mobility issues who tried to get me kicked off the motorized cart at Walmart post-hospital visit was totally fine. That's perfectly acceptable to do to someone because their diabetes is obviously more important than whatever my problem is and it is SURELY their place to judge that because they want my cart. Shit like this has happened to myself and several of my friends by obese people who expect special treatment because they're too huge to move. Fat people do not seek me out, but I have found that fat people are extremely selfish and will try to hog resources because they feel they're more important than everyone else.

I mentioned previously that I only hate fat people who are self entitled assholes. If they became MORBIDLY OBESE because of poor life choices and develop diabetes or various types of joint pain I think they should have to lose weight before they are offered opiate pain killers/muscle relaxers because they clearly have issues with responsibility and addictive behavior if they are that apathetic towards their health.

I never stalk fat people, what the fuck are you talking about? Seriously you're batshit. Like completely batshit. I'm detecting schizoaffective with a touch of autism. Seriously, at least I'm not in denial that I'm insane... but you are. Fuck, I've been through hell and back, of course I'm going to be a bit abnormal. I'm actually proud I didn't come out more broken.

I really don't care if you think I'm insane. As someone who had their health taken away, people who throw theirs away should be ashamed and disgusted with themselves.

Oh, and on another comment you even kinda defended junkies. Hilarious. You know what... let the junkies overindulge whether their drug of choice is food or heroin. They won't be a problem in a few years. There are consequences to throwing your life away.

Seriously, stop being in denial. Do you think you're better than me because I'm mentally ill because that's hilariously ironic based on your view of fat people. I'm pretty sure you haven't escaped mental illness either, it's cool if you don't accept it... mental illness causes delusions :)

Seriously though, keep reaching. You keep saying you're done responding but you keep on going...

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