Heavily armed Black Panthers threaten car driver in Stone Mountain

You said you are white with a black father. You said you are white with black blood relatives, now you are saying you are white. I asked you if you are a descendant of enslaved people? That is pretty specific .Some descendants of black slaves want reparations It really isn't that hard to follow the line. Again you choose to focus on money.and what white people deserve. Your " cash bonus" comment says it all.

Race does come into it. The video was black armed men talking about reparations That there is a huge power imbalance between black and white people. You do not believe there is systemic racism in America directed specifically toward black people. You keep saying all this happened so long ago It is happening now.

Can a black man get an education, become a doctor, lawyer,scientist? And can that same black man buy himself a luxury car? And can that same black man be pulled over in that luxury car ? Can he be pulled out of the car, beaten, handcuffed, taken to jail and charged with resisting the police? How is possible that all this is done because a white person called police because of a " suspicious black male" in a nice car? The same is true of owning a nice house in a " nice neighbourhood".

No one is held accountable for these actions. And when all is said and done, you do realize it's your taxes that are paying toward all the administratiuve and legal fees from lawsuits for excessive force. Would it help you recognize it, if the police just simply grabbed a rope out of their trunk and lynched black people on the nearest tree? Holding hands and saying hatred is bad but all lives matter doesn't help. Saying, gotta give me some if they are getting some, doesnt help alAffirmative action hasnt helped either.

You want me to focus on a group who hates white people. I wont. It is a response to an ongoing issue that has never been resolved Until the actual crux of the issue is gone, the actions of these men are nothing that needs to be focused on I understand their platform. I read their material. I dont agree with all of it but but why distract from the real issues at hand. The continued brutalization of black.people in America.

You want reparations for white people. Go ahead, fight for them. The same as people fight for reparations for residential school survivors. Another government sponsored tortured hell, who's repercussions are still felt.

Always seems.to be about money and tax dollars. Do you pay no attention to where those tax dollars r going right now. Mega police forces, Mega jails,the war machine, coperate fraud, etc.

Defunding a few of these wont bother me in the least. Using the money toward a specific goal to address specific atrocities that continue today is perfectly fine by me.

We were talking about the video and the men with guns. I find it incredible that so many white people nust have a say in what black people feel and think. What is allowable for them to feel and think. I am white, if some black people hate white people and wanna wipe them off the planet, who am I to say they are wrong? That is how they feel, and looking around I can see why they feel justified feeling this way. How is it possible this would surprise anyone? What kind of bubble do you live in? What exactly do you think " No justice, no peace" means?

I agree with reparations. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it . Go ahead now, call.me a racist, fucking idiot and a moron again.

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