Why the heck are people mad that people use the links in Kh3?

What are you talking about. Dodging and blocking require timing and reflexes, especially when you need to mix them up with red/blue attacks. Blocking something you can dodge still requires timing and reflexes, it still requires some form of skill. What does using a link require? Nothing, and you get rewarded with like 40 seconds of immunity and incredible damage output depending on the link.

You know what else the game gives you? EZ codes. I guess that means that EZ codes are fine because you're using tools the game gave you to beat the game.

They probably didn't implement something to disable Links during DM's because they didn't consider people asking for hard bosses and then misusing Links to trivialize them.

If you're saying Links are fine, then so are Fenrir Cheese, Balloonra spam, Berserk charge, Looping, EZ codes etc.

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