I held my boyfriend at gunpoint over a 8 hour period. I wanted to pull the trigger.

Shit like this is why I carry a gun everywhere I go regardless of where I am. Inb4 “how would a gun have helped you there?”. If I was that guy, I would have waited for a window of opportunity, and in 8 hours of time you best believe there would have been some, and at the first chance of one I would have shot to kill, no hesitation, no time to think or question anything, just action. Everything goes out the fucking window when someone has a gun pulled on you, I don’t care if I loved you or if I knew you for years, it is either me or you at that point, and I am damn sure choosing me. The fact that you said “I wanted to pull the trigger” is why I would act this way, because you never know if that person would pull it and I am not waiting to find out

/r/confession Thread