Hello! My boyfriend is an INTP (we took the Myers-Briggs test) anyway, he never texts me on a daily basis, but when we are together I have his full attention. I asked him if he likes me he said yes, but his actions when we are apart says otherwise... Should I be worried?? I've never dated an INTP B4

I am an INTP female, I have been in a relationship for 10 years and I avoid texting, facebook messaging or posting because I find it draining and pointless chit chat.

My partner ESFJ knows this and he thinks it hilarious that I rarely text him back or give minimal response like his guy friends. He is not insecure at all, so I have never had to worry about him being upset by this. When I need to recharge he is literally the only person I can be around because he is so chill also, we don't need to talk, exchange pleasantries.

The times he finds me most animated and energised is when I have some scheme or idea that I want to pitch.

I also remember when we started dating, I never came across overly keen, I would respond to his texts and rarely initiate the texting. If he text me "hey what u up too" I would get straight to the point "nothing why, you gonna stay tonight?"

I thought well I know I like him, I am just going to sit back and see if he likes me. If he does great if he doesn't nevermind move on. So I dunno how that would work if he was like me also, maybe we would have never got together.

/r/INTP Thread