Hello Reddit, I'm Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, tech optimist, and an advocate both of AI and digital human rights. AMA!

Hi Garry,

Big fan of your chess playing and your My Great Predecessors series, but my personal opinion of you took a big hit after reading your “Hey Bernie Sanders, Don’t Lecture Me on Socialism” article from 2016. I was wondering if maybe the past 5 years of a “moderate Democrat” losing an election to Trump, followed by another “moderate Democrat” winning candidate in 2020 and then providing arms to a genocidal nuclear power as they slowly destroy Palestine.

What will it take for you to get behind a candidate who isn’t afraid to call themselves a socialist at this point, as it’s clear that “moderate democrats” can do nothing but stall for time while the fascists of the world keep the initiative, to use a chess term. Are you going to die on the hill of knee jerk anti-socialism when the alternative is the same neo-liberal consensus that supported Yeltsin and the vulture capitalists who got rich by pillaging the former USSR while it experienced a catastrophic decline in quality of life?

/r/IAmA Thread