help avoiding scale

The only way I’ve been able to stop weighing myself is to be physically unable to. I don’t have a scale in my bathroom (the only one in my house is in my brothers bathroom so I can only use it when I’m home alone. Rare in a 7 person family) . Maybe you could put yours away after using it once a day? Or give it to someone? It’s also helped to keep in mind that weighing yourself multiple times a day is honestly, super useless- you’ll never be able to tell anything meaningful from it. You’re measuring fat gain. Any difference on the scale is only showing you water weight/bathroom weight/random normal deviation in the scale/the weight of your clothes/hell, the weight of the grease in your hair. If you’re going to weigh yourself it should ideally be in the morning after going to the bathroom before eating or drinking anything. That helped put my anxiety at peace, atleast, being so number focused, I started to think like “why do I care about these numbers(multiple weights a day) if I know they’re inaccurate?” I know it’s easier said than done though.

/r/AnorexiaNervosa Thread