Help I cannot clean my room

Depends on how your room is organized and how big it is, a rough floor plan would help me know what plan to use for your room. For myself I start by taking things off the floor and either putting them away right then and there or put them aside somewhere else first. Laundry most likely would go in your hamper or laundry basket at the moment. Trash, well you know where that goes. Next, I’d work on each spot that I see is cluttered. A room is clean to me when it looks pleasing to the eye. Tell me, does a messy bed full of wrinkles in the sheets look better than a properly layered sheet layout that’s smooth? Well, if it is, that’s your opinion. I personally like the latter. Cluttered spaces for me include my headboard, my dresser, my closet, and my keyboard (piano). You might have desk(s) and/or something else that could be cluttered so sort everything out there as you did the floor. Just go after everything cluttered and follow the same procedure for everything. Unclutter and sort. Eventually everything will find its own place and then if you want you can sweep, vacuum, mop, etc. depending on whatever your floor is. I can give you specifics and maybe a walkthrough if you show me a floor plan of what it looks like. By the way floor plans are like a blueprint that shows the top view of a room, very useful for showing where things are in a room.

Good luck and happy cleaning!

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread