Help finding therapy

The list your GP gave you is a great start. I found that only a few had availability, and even less took my insurance so that narrowed the list down for me. For me, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) have been very helpful. I found that I could use many techniques to start feeling/living better, right away while still working on long term issues that take time to resolve.

I didn’t find the right fit right away. It was a journey finding my current therapist. Unless it is an obviously bad match, or I’m seeing some major red flags (not listening, constantly asking me to repeat myself, looking at phone, etc.) I try to attend and give it my best for 3 sessions. If things don’t seem like they will work out, a good therapist will do their best to help you find and transition to a new practitioner.

Best wishes to you!

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