Help identifying original paintings in jigsaw

Cat and Feline Gallery

The long thin sculpture within it

Henry Paws sculpture

Black and red painting (is it Mark Rothko)

Abstract art painting next to Van Gogh at top middle (Is it Jackson Pollock)

Andy Warhol (which painting is it)

Painting of people playing cards (on the right side of David’s feet, right at the edge of the jigsaw)

I am struggling to identify these. Thank you!

  • Cat and Feline Gallery
  • The long thin sculpture within it
  • Henry Paws sculpture
  • Black and red painting (is it Mark Rothko)
  • Abstract art painting next to Van Gogh at top middle (Is it Jackson Pollock)
  • Andy Warhol (which painting is it)
  • Painting of people playing cards (on the right side of David’s feet, right at the edge of the jigsaw)
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