Help IDENTIFYING “something” (Entity/Consciousness)

I think you should read some of the old gospels that were removed from the Bible in 325 AD. Here's an ancient archive that's available online with many of the lost gospels, and of these used to only be available to priests and monks.

Read the The Sophia of Jesus Christ. This is a gospel directly from Jesus that explains the ordering of the heavens and the meaning of life etc. In the beginning there was just God, he felt unending love, but wanted to experience it better. So he created his first son, the Father and Sophia who is the female aspect of God, she's the yin, life, and darkness. The Father is the male side of God and the yang, assembly, and light. Through them all the heavens were created.

I could go on and on but I really suggest you read the small gospel first, you can probably read it all in a half hour, its not that long.

I also highly recommend reading The Hypostasis of the Archons – The Reality of the Rulers and On the Origin of the World. For a little more understanding of the heavens/invisible realm and creation.

/r/Soulnexus Thread