Help, I'm stuck at Veteran Class 1

Played this since season 1 and have never felt like not playing anymore, I try and stay positive and work hard but I just feel solo Q is impossible right now. I understand it's sweaty when the season restarts, I spend time researching good builds and don't dive, I understand the objectives, I look at my own performance and mistakes and learn from them, I have map awareness etc etc. Still can't get past ultra 5. It shouldn't be this hard to play when there isn't even good rewards without spending real money; how are kids meant to even play this? The expensive holowear, convoluted emblem system and coin inflation/cap are all really putting me off and I've been reletlessly positive til this season.

I know they want to encourage you to play with friends and build teams but I simply don't want to. There needs to be modes of playing solo that are actually enjoyable.

/r/PokemonUnite Thread Link -