[Help] Introducing Husky to Cat

has issues with understanding 'space'

Please tell me you see the irony in that :P

Anyway, throw out the pack structure idea, it's been thoroughly debunked, even by the guy who suggested it in the first place. You'll need to heavily manage the dog's behavior at the beginning, so she never learns it's okay to chase. Limit their interactions to a few supervised minutes per day (mealtimes are good), and separate using doors or baby gates for the rest of the time. Keep the dog on leash or crated when the cat is around so she can't chase, and give her lots of treats and praise for staying calm and not obsessing over the cat (try the 'look at me' command). Once you're seeing consistent success, increase the time they're together. If the dog is consistently ignoring the cat, let her drag the leash but stay close by (so you can still grab it if something happens).

It could take a very long time for this to work, so be very patient. I've had my GSD for 8 months and he still obsesses over the cats. You my never be able to leave them alone together, but with consistent training you should eventually get them to live peacefully with you around to supervise.

/r/dogs Thread