Help Learning to Top and ADC

*Positioning is simply positioning. As a tank, your position should be closer to the enemy team to dive their carries or to peel for yours. As Xerath or Azir "positioning" means that you should stay back and snipe those in range while remaining safe from engages. Now, as an ADC, "positioning" can mean a lot of things, which is why it's so important. Although it's just as important for other roles, it's extremely important for ADCs because in teamfights it's' the ADC that's supposed to put out a lot of damage and survive to push objectives. Simply put, while you need experience to truly learn it, play it safe. ADCs are very squishy, so stay back and let the tanks or those with poke play it out first. When the fight starts, still stay back and hit those out of position. To be honest, however, each person has their own playstyle. So you can be aggressive and save your escape for when you almost get caught or use it to initiate. However the point to remember is DON'T DIE. Stay back and pew-pew the enemy to death and don't get close. But at the same time don't just rush in with the goal of doing lots of damage just to die. Your damage is steady and slow *It's up to you and how versatile you can be. I've found that CSing can be hard especially if you don't know the animations of certain ADCs, though for some it's definitely easier. However it's imperative that you know the kits of all the ADCs and most supports so you know their potential when you play against/with them. Like how you want to avoid fights against a Lvl 6 Graves if you're a Lvl 5 Vayne *It can't really be answered easily. It's kind of personal judgment and very situational. Back when you're low health or if you can buy a big item, like BF Sword, but be sure to push the lane out to the tower before you back to deprive the enemy laner XP and Gold. Press your advantage constantly through poke, but when you all-in try to know where the enemy midlaner or jungler is *Again, situational. Do both at the same time is the best I can say. When you have nothing to take (don't constantly auto minions unless you want to push) take potshots at the enemy. They're most vulnerable to skillshots when they go in for CS. Likewise you are too. *Teleports should be used at your own discretion. But don't save it to the point where you only use it once a game. Keep an eye out on other lanes if you have teleport. If the enemy bot duo is low and your jungler is also bot maybe there's a chance to secure dragon. If the top laner has pushed minions right to your tower and you're at base then you want to tele to avoid losing XP and gold. I'd say prioritize objectives. Tele to your tower if the other laner is pushing like crazy, teleport to dragon if it's being obviously contested, etc. But don't save it. Just use it. You'll fail sometimes, and even the best still do. *Safe top laners? Shen. Mundo. Tanks are always safe. *Vlad is weak before he gets his hextech revolver (relatively) and if you can poke him down early then he doesn't have as much sustain as many others (Renekton has pretty good sustain). After he gets strong use strong burst to counter him. In long fights he will win.

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