[HELP] Looking for alternatives for overhead tricep excercises due to injury.

I have similar problems with my elbows. What I’ve done is include more close grip bench press, which will also help boost your bench press in generals; and also on my overhead tricep extensions I try to keep the weight light and reps high-ish, so as to not put too much stress and wear and tear in the elbow. Also good form, controlling the weight carefully, is a good idea. I’ve found that high rep behind the neck tricep extensions are still very doable despite fragile elbows. Try to cause progressive overload through variables other than weight, such a full range of motion, proper contractions (“mind-muscle connection), increasing reps or sets, etc. The important thing is, Don’t go too heavy on the extensions.

Also: if you can do chins ups, do them. They work the long head of the tricep. They don’t work the triceps hugely, but enough to see growth provided you cause progressive overload.

/r/gainit Thread