Help me buy my first vape

I hate the electronic dry herb vaporizer market right now. It’s bad. Even top-end PRICY stuff doesn’t always perform the way you imagine it will when you’re in the looking stage. The general consensus seems to be “yep, that’s where we are with vapetech.” And everything is $200+ (if you want any semblance of quality). I was in the same spot before I got my Dynavap 2021 M. What I realized through research, as I climbed the steep (but rewarding) learning curve this device has, is that vaporizing flower is personal and requires a device that recognizes that. I have almost impulse-bought a sticky brick or magic flight launch box (a better-battery powered vaporizer) so many times as I feel these devices capture this belief (and back it up with the product’s performance) but I always end up looking over at my M, pick it up, extract, and I’m in love with it again. I don’t feel the obsessive need to compare between my device and the competition. I simply extract my top shelf flower to dust, and know that I don’t need anything else. Highly recommend a Dynavap as a first and last vaporizer.

/r/vaporents Thread