Help me dose my SO correctly!!

You will always get advice to take (imo) small doses, my advice is purely anecdotal and is as following:

Take 200mg and redose 60-90mins later with 200mg again (yes 200mg).

This is the amount both me and my gf enjoy the most. Since your gf is smaller then mine i guess 150 + 150 would do the same.

The point of this is a hard initial dose (with your 190mg you know what i mean) and when the experience evens out and you are in the middle of it, you redose an identical big dose again and that way, when you have settled in at your first 200mg and gotten "used" to it, you lift off even higher than you thought possible.

Things DO get weird at this point but both me and my gf loves it. Last time i found myself talking to a bush in the yard thinking it was a person. My gf and i went out for a smoke, she went back in and i continued the conversation. I snapped out of it for a few seconds laughing about talking to a bush and then went straight back in not realizing it again.

Super weird, super fun. So it goes like this:

Hard come up. Plateau on high dose. Lift off even higher. Get weird. Get back down to high dose plateau. Slowly come down.

If possible during the last comedown smoke a small joint and you get right back into weird territory with OEV.

/r/MDMA Thread