Help me figure out if I'm being unfair and mean to my SO

Ugh, I wish I had the time to completely tear these apart word by word, I just got finished off reading the first one, opened the second to what appears to be more of the same...

I want to open with that I agree with the core premise here, but i'm just gonna point out some problems I have with the first comic, and this type of article in general:

  • Opens already seeking to create divisiveness in a "him vs her" scenario [1] [2]
  • Enforces gender normative roles (something I feel is extremely unfeminist) as an absolute under the guise of "feminism" [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Creates an image of the world where the majority of relationships are unhappy and/or imbalanced, all because of one gender, under the guise of "feminism" - refuses to acknowledge any deviation from traditional role enforcement [1] [2]
  • Heavily implies feminism is a movement held exclusively by women [1]
  • Creates a scenario in which she's the one smiling and being reasonable, while disagreement is seen as brash and rude [1] [2]

Now, so i'm not just being a cynic, here are the points I agree on:

  • Don't bloody wait until you're asked to help, if there's an obvious difference in work output between you and your SO, just do it.
  • Mental and emotional load/effort is extremely underappreciated in today's society. This manifests differently for men and women.
  • Gender roles are horribly damaging. To the point where it feels even this comic's author does not fully realize the damage, as they fall into this pit themselves. Does at least briefly admit the possibility of "role reversal" and abolishing harmful stereotypes [1] [2]
  • Societal expectations on new parents are ridiculous, shrinking maternity leaves and ridiculously short or non-existent paternity leaves are creating problems where there shouldn't be any, all under the name of a little bit more profit (also lovin' the "off to save capitalism" lol)

To be honest after deconstructing it the article isn't as bad as I first thought, I think it just hit a nerve. In honesty I feel "women do THIS while men do THIS" is exactly the sort of thing the author of this article wants to fight against, but to effectively do so, I feel they should be a bit introspective into their own thought process as their own comic reads like that. After all, is it not a fair and balanced world we seek? Because creating further divisiveness seems like a poor means to accomplish that.

/r/JustNoSO Thread Parent