Help me, please. I don't know what to do anymore

Try to spend more time playing if you can - these sorts of outlets are hugely important.

Even if your life were perfectly ordinary, teenage years are tough - between raging hormones (which will cause emotional swings and moodiness) and the fact that psychologically our brains are still very much developing (read: they’re immature), teenage years are hard.

In fact, many (even most) people will agree that it is the hardest time of life, emotionally speaking.

Add in some actual problems like what you’ve faced ... yeah, it’s gonna suck hard.

I tell you this because of one very, very important point that you must cling to:


You’re going through arguably the shittiest time of life right now; think of it as a storm, and you have to let it run its course. Your brain will mature, your hormones (and therefore your emotions) will settle down, you’ll become an adult and have options for putting yourself into different and better situations ... you will get there, like everyone does. More importantly, you’ll get there sooner than you imagine.

In the meantime:

  • Find healthy activities you enjoy, like band, and make time for them regularly.

  • Find someone to talk to, even anonymous people on reddit; you need to get this stuff off your chest so it’s not all bottled up. When you bottle up tons of pressure, it tends to explode - don’t let that happen.

There’s nothing wrong with you - this is basically a normal reaction from an overwhelmed teenager in circumstances like this. Do things you enjoy, find people you can vent to, and always remember that this WILL pass.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent