Help me type Brooke Shields’ [FN] daughters Rowan and Grier? (Grier is the taller one)

Both of your piranha mentalities attest to the fact that your moral compass is questionable at the outset because your intention was to demean and disrespect post after post, concealed as “criticism” when in fact, your “criticism” has long ago been debunked. Despite not knowing my age and yet STILL repeatedly trying to take a dig at it, how about we check that username of your’s? Does your ADHD level brain inhibit your from departing from a literal interpretation nepotism when described between the lines by initial commenter? Or does ADHD not allow you to understand that I’ve debunked your privacy crusade since these pictures were public material? Is the distinction between “public” and “private” difficult to comprehend for an ADHD’er? Clearly, you’re not interested in facts surrounding the context of pictures, you’re here for drama, excitement, fighting and getting a cheap thrill. Don’t bother responding, these are my last words, you sick fuccc.

/r/Kibbe Thread Parent Link -