Help me to understand your POV.

I mean yea... Ok I don't understand why not knowing the specific terminology is. I don't subscribe to the feminist narrative, so it makes sense I don't know your terminology, right? I could use terms from my narrative that you wouldn't know, and I wouldn't mock you for it. So please don't mock me. And for the record, I was aware of the vast majority of the things that are included under this term, I just wasn't aware of the, might I add stupid, term.

Well, just the way media portrays men for one.

Men are considered very disposable by society. This is shown by a few things. Men don't really play a big role in parenting in the media/hollywood these days. Single moms are considered to be a saint, immune to all criticism. Must be the mans fault! When the truth is, they fucked up. The man too. A single mother household is most prone to raising a bad kid. What I mean by "bad kid" is one who commits crimes, does drugs, whatever. There isn't a lot of single dad's, so there isn't much research as to the outcomes of a single father household, but the little bit there is suggests that single dad's are slightly better. Still shitty though. The truth is is that kids need the influence of both parents. Men are not disposable. Neither are women, but that's glaringly obvious.

Men are always portrayed as bumbling idiots in movies and tv shows. I can give examples but I don't really think I need to.

Women always say they want the nice guy, but it never ends up being true. I was the "nice guy" back in HS. This turned out to be a very poor strategy, as you can imagine. I rejected the idea of competition, achieving, working with my hands, or just about anything imaginably "masculine" (don't necessarily like that word). Because that was considered like, cool, or "breaking gender roles", what have you. Turned out that that was bs in the dating world, which is obvious to me now. Man, it's honestly hard to remember my mindset back then, even though it was only a couple years ago. It was honestly like, oh she doesn't like me, I must not be nice enough. Top-cuck, I was. I rose above it though, gained my confidence, embraced my masculinity, and am in a fantastic relationship; my first and hopefully only.

Men pay 70% of taxes, yet the majority of social spending is on women.

When talking about environmental issues, its always how coal, oil, dirty energy is so bad. Big trucks are bad. These are male dominated fields, and typically a male driving preference. Yet, malls are never brought up in the environmental debate. Malls are absolutely terrible for the environment.

Support groups for male victims of abuse are almost nonexistent. Its either all, or women only. The ones that are men only are constantly shit on for not allowing women.

A young man under 18 who is raped can be forced to pay child support.

It doesn't really make sense that society wouldn't be based around more feminine things. Earlier I had stated they make up ~80% of purchasing decisions. Companies compete mainly for the business of women, not men.

I'd love to hear your input, and opinions. Thanks for reading!

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