Help Others or Help Yourself? Tonight's Moral Dilema?

Well, £1000 looks to be around $1400, which would purchase me:

~3 AR-15 80% kits ~3 decommissioned police Glocks ~2 Microtech OTF Trodoon knives ~1.5 kilos of silver bars ~7 sets of Spartan basic Level III body armor A running Jeep Grand Cherokee A reasonably high-spec PC 35 Magicforce 68 mechanical keyboards Almost a full year of car insurance 28 appointments with a specialist ~5 years gym membership More than half a year's fuel Ten nights stay at a hotel in the city

I could probably thing of at least ten more things. But if I ended up with $1400 extra, it's likely that not a cent of it will be spent in a way that doesn't directly benefit me.

/r/FidgetSpinners Thread