[HELP] Phone stuck in bootloop after downloading TransparentCameraBar and PhotoRes.

Tweak List:


7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p Acapella - 1.0-6 accountLabels - 0.5.5-1 Action Menu - 1.3.0 Action Menu Plus Pack - 1.3.0 Activator - 1.9.2 AdBlocker 2 (iOS 8) - 1.02 adv-cmds - 119-5 AlarmVolume - 1.1 Alkaline - 1.3 Almpoum - 1.3-26 AppCake - 4.90 AppInfo - 1.6.2 AppList - 1.5.9 APR (/usr/lib) - 1.3.3-2 APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23 APT 0.7 (apt-key) - APT 0.7 Strict - APT 0.7 Strict (lib) - Aria - 1.1.10-1 ayeKit - 1.0.1 ayeris - 1.2.1 Base Structure - 1-4 BatteryLife - 1.6.2 BatteryText - 1.1 BatteryText2 - 1.0 BatteryUsageEnhancer - 0.0.1-16 Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-4p Better HUD - 1.2-1 BetterDelete - 1.0 betterFiveIconDock - 0.9-1 BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0 BioLockdown - 1.2.10 Bloard - 0.1.1 Bluepicker - 1.3.2-1 Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.44-15 Bulb - 1.1-2 Button Shapes Flipswitch - 0.0.1-2 BytaFont 2 - 2.5.2 bzip2 - 1.0.5-7 Call Enhancer - 1.1-8 CallBar (iOS 7 & 8) - 0.8-10-55 CameraModes - 1.0-5 CameraTweak 3 (iOS 8) - 1.1 Canopy for iOS 8 - 4.0-2 Carrier Logos for Zeppelin - 2.0 Cataracs - 1.3.2 Cephei - 1.2 CheeseCake - 1.2-1 ChooseBoard - 0.1.0-674 Cleaner - 3.2 CleanUp - 0.0.1-9 Cobalia - 1.0-1 ColorBadges - 1.0.9-1 ColorFlow - 1.3.0-1k Confero - 1.1-5 Core Utilities - 8.12-12p Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-7p CrashReporter - 1.9.0-1 cURL - 7.39.0-2 Cycript - 0.9.502 Cydia Installer - 1.1.16 Cydia Substrate - 0.9.5101 Cydia Translations - 1.1.12 Cylinder - 1.0.3 Darwin Tools - 1-4 Debian Packager - 1.14.25-9 Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p Diamond Supply for Zeppelin - 1.0 Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6 diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4 DockShift - 1.6.5 DoubleCheck - 1.0.2-1 Eclipse 2 (Beta) - 2.2.5b-15 f.lux - 0.998 Facebook ++ - 1.1r-24 file-cmds - 220.7-3 Find Utilities - 4.2.33-6 Flex 2 - 1.950 Flipswitch - 1.0.6 ForceGoodFit - 1.0.3-1 GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.18-1 Gotham ios8 - 1.0 Gotham Rounded iOS8 - 1.0 grep - 2.5.4-3 groovyAPI - 1.0.4 GroovyLock - 1.7.3 guilty - 1.8 gzip - 1.6-7 HideHomeTime - 1.0-1 HideMe8 - 1.0.2-6 iBlank for iOS 7 and iOS8 - 5.1 iCleaner Pro - 7.3.2 Icon Renamer - 1.2.1 IconSupport - 1.9.4-2 IfFound² (iOS 8) - 1.0.1-3 iFile - 2.2.0-1 InfoStats - 1.1.4 Instagram ++ - 1.2r-73 InstaLauncher - 1.3-1 iOS Firmware - 8.1.2 iOS Terminal - 1.0.2-2 iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1 iRSS iWidget V2 - 1.0 iWidgets - 1.2.3 JellyLock7 - 1.1.0-1 JODebox - 1.4-1 Lato Light Font - 1.5 libcolorpicker - 1.1 libcrashreport - 1.0.2-1 libhide - 2.4.1-1 libpackageinfo - 1.0.1-1 libstatusbar - 1: libsw - 1.0-3 libsymbolicate - 1.8.0-1 LinkOpener - 1.4 Live Battery Indicator iOS 7 - 2.6-1 LockGlyph - 1.1.9-10 LockHTML4 - 1.0.3-1 LockScreenGestureCleanUp - 0.5-1 Locus - 1.0-3 Logos for Zeppelin - 1.2 LongTouchHome - 0.9.0-2 LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-4 MapsOpener - 1.4 mau5head Zeppelin Logo - 1.0.1 MessagesCustomiser - 3.0~beta2 mikoto - 2.6.2-1 Minimal Battery CS - 1.0 Minimal Wifi-signal CS - 1.0 Motivational Quotes iWidget - 1.0 MsgServiceSwitch - 1.0.4-1 MSGSplus - 2.1.1-1 MultiIconMover+ - 2.4.0 NetworkList - 0.3 New Curses - 5.7-13 NO PLS RECOVERY - 1.1-3 No Wallpaper Gradient iOS 8 - 1.0 NoAudioRecorder - 1.0.1-1 NoEmojiPaging - 1.1-1 NoLiveClock - 0.0.1-5 NoMotion - 1.1 NoSlowAnimations - 4.2.1 NoTouchCancelReply - 1.0-17 NoTracking+ - 1.1.2-1 Opener - 2.1 OpenSSH - 6.7p1-12 OpenSSL - 0.9.8zc-11 Pac-Man eats Signal Dots - 1.3.14 PAM (Apple) - 32.1-3 PAM Modules - 36.1-4 Password Events - 0.0.1-7 pcre - 8.30-5p Phantom for Snapchat - 4.1.3 PhotoRes - 1.0-1 pincrush - 0.9.2-1 PM, really? - 1.1-1 Polus - 2.0.6-1 PowerDown - 1.0.4 PreferenceLoader - 2.2.2 PreferenceOrganizer 2 - 2.5.1-1 Priority Hub - 1.3.6 Profile Directory - 0-2 Questrial Font - 1.1 readline - 6.0-7 Rechrg for Alkaline - 1.5 Record 'n' Torch - 1.6-6 RocketBootstrap - 1.0.2 RoundDock - 1.0.1-1 Rx Font - 1.1 Safari Downloader+ - 3.6-2 SafariAlwaysPrivate8 - 0.5 Safestrat - 0.0.1 SearchLoader - 2.3.2-1 sed - 4.1.5-7 shell-cmds - 118-6 ShowSongMetadata - 1.1.2-1 SimplePasscodeButtons - 0.0.4 Skate Logos for Zeppelin - 1.0 Smart Search - 1.2.3-1 Snapper - 1.1-1 StoreAlert - 1.1 Stripe - 0.3 Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.5000 SwipeExpander - 1.0.5-1 SwipeSelection Pro - 0.9.6-1 symbolicate - 1.6.0-1 system-cmds - 433.4-12 Tage - 1.1-1 TaiG 8.0-8.1.X Untether - 1.1 TaiG AFC2 - 0.1 Tape Archive - 1.19-8 TapTapFlip - 1.1 TechSupport Framework - 1.2.1-1 TetherMe for iOS8+ - 1.0.1-1 top - 39-4 Transference - 1.1.0 UIKit Tools - 1.1.9 unrar - 3.6.8-2p unzip - 5.52-5p UpNext - 1.3 Upscale - 0.3.0-3 User Agent Changer - 1.1.5 Vestigo - 0.5.7 Vine++ - 1.3-5 What's this song, Siri? - 1.0.1-1 WinterBoard - 0.9.3918 Zeppelin - 2.1.0-12 Zeppelin's Requests - 9.1 zip - 2.32-5p

/r/jailbreak Thread