Help translating song lyrics (probably Cape Verdean Creole)

Not sure about all of it but...

Mi ma bô / Eu e tu / You and I

Na Peris / Em Paris / In Paris

The first block would then be:

You and I

The two of us Three days In Paris

Also "Tarraxa na grelha" is interesting. I've been told that "Tarraxa" is a kind of fish (eel?), so that would mean "fish on the grill. However, it could maybe be a pun, since "Tarraxinha" is also a kind of very, very close dance (like kizomba, maybe?), so that "Tarraxa na grelha" would be an a command for someone to "dance on the grill"

Sidenote: "Tarraxa" probably comes from the original portuguese "Atarraxar", which means "to screw in place" (not like that, take your mind out of the gutter :P ), which should give you an idea of what kind of dance we're talking about (ok to put your mind back in the gutter now :D ).

/r/portugal Thread