[herbstluftwm] converge > jane doe

Usually not a huge fan of WM desktops on r/unixporn ...(mainly since they are posted so frequently and, in my eyes, do not seem to stand out too much from one another.) But you did a pretty good job and your configuration is pretty rad! It is quite unique while still being really visually appealing.

Not too sure why I like it... I think it is a combination of a few things!

  • The interesting color palette! While you used mainly "cool"colors on the spectrum that were relatively dull, you managed to still have some contrast! Probably due to the fact that the majority of the desktop are different shades of gray! Due to this, in my opinion, when color is used, differences in hue, saturation and value are very clear. The natural, "cool" colors give your desktop a very smooth, organic look!

  • Details used in the format of the text editor and terminal! Neat how you put in the effort to make give these windows a neat title line or custom line of text. In my opinion it helps the desktop avoid being to simplistic (it has points of focus, rather than being completely consistent.)

  • The wallpaper! The wallpapers used with a WM (and on this sub in general) seem to always look the same, smooth, low contrast, and consistent. It seems the only wall papers ever used are either a drawing or photograph of nature with only a single, centered object or a repeating pattern. The wallpapers always appear very balanced in terms of focus points. In my opinion, by having your object of focus positioned on one side, there is no longer an unnatural consistence and balance. Also preventing a unnatural appearance is the inconsistent, roughness. Finally by using an exclusively black and white wallpaper it blends with your mainly gray desktop. So while the object on the wallpaper does draw some attention it doesn't take away from the attention to color.

Conclusion: Well that was quite a bit to write on a desktop configuration!... I guess I just thought it was appealing and was interested in the reason it worked! Not sure if any of the things I pointed out were intentional on your part... But I still wanted go through and state why I thought it works! I hope you find my observations at least a little interesting!

/r/unixporn Thread Link - i.imgur.com