Here we go again.

My experience is a little different from yours so probably isn’t much help, but I switched from 10gpd sodium to exclusively sulfate and tapered with minimal effort in 2 weeks to 2-3gpd before dropping it. I never could taper sodium without thinking about it obsessively. With sulfate, by the second week, I was forgetting to dose and then would realize by the end of the day I should probably take some so I wouldn’t start feeling bad. I didn’t stop taking tia by choice at that moment, a package was delayed, but with helpers, I decided to make that the big day bc I’d been dying to stop and had been planning by stocking up on the helpers and the sulfate. I don’t know that the switch and lower doses made a difference in wd bc I was feeling really bad before the helpers kicked in, but 2-3gpd is still a lot. For me, I think the biggest thing the switch did was get me out of the habit of dosing every 3-4 hours at LEAST, and chasing the euphoria.

It sounds like you’re much better at controlling your doses than me and are able to put yourself on a taper schedule. I never once measured and almost always dosed just when I felt like it unless I was running low, but during those times, like I said, I obsessed over tia and felt like I needed even more bc of the anxiety of knowing I was running low.

/r/QuittingTianeptine Thread