Here are the Florida House reps who voted to overturn the Electoral College results on Wednesday/Thursday

I’m not talking about riots and BLM etc, but I appreciate the irony of your comment - where did I even discuss the rioting? It’s not relevant to my comment. You just pulled that out of nowhere - that’s called a straw man. Are you capable of an honest discussion? No reason to be rude to me, I wasn’t rude to you.

I’m talking about money moving into the Clinton Foundation or the Trump Foundation or Ilhan Omar’s Foundation or Mitch McConnell’s wife’s business or.... in exchange for funding or tax breaks being slipped into omnibus spending bills. Do you not realize this occurs all the time, by both sides? That’s my only point - that’s what corruption is. All this other shit is bad but it’s smoke and mirrors to the stuff that goes on behind the scenes.

You called me dumb and/or conservative in the same comment - when did calling out corruption become a conservative take? Last I checked Occupy Wallstreet was a liberal movement. And dumb? I mean ask yourself if you honestly understand how a bill is made before you comment again. You’re just being rude for no reason because you assumed I had certain viewpoints based on my comment. And I think your reaction specifically says worlds about the current state of politics in the country.

/r/florida Thread Parent Link -