And here we have the central reason socialism will always fail in any form.

The following paragraph was actually at the bottom of my comment based on your final couple paragraphs, but I'm putting it up top because I really think it's important that you read it.

Somebody who claims to be a font of wisdom whose advice amounts to bragging about their own successes whilst taking an aggressively hostile position against anyone who suggests, even via implicature, that any success or lack thereof is in part due to fortune, is someone whose own insecurity is such a paramount force in their lives that I really don't think they're qualified to be dispensing any advice. I'm really extremely disappointed with the way this conversation has evolved, and I would really love to have a more productive dialogue here, but if we can't move past the "I'm rich cause I'm great and you're poor cause you ain't" shit I don't see how that's possible.

I dont appreciate false accusation, I have said nothing about my background, and making accusations with no basis is bad.

I normally try not to do it, but I've literally never encountered a bigger predictor of how people fall on this issue. I probably could have been more fair, or rhetorically delicate, but without knowing your life story, I'm still very confident in my initial assessment.

Maybe I'm wrong and if so, I'm sorry, but I think it's more dishonest to withhold a critical valuation of your relevant experience in this regard than it is to offer it.

Dont try to take away from my success pretending my life is one of a silver spoon in mouth, when you have absolutely no idea how much harder than your whiny ass I have had to work. Sorry for the hard words but you are being and absolute asshole to try to take away from my success.

I like how defensive you are about the notion that you had to work for your success, when you are literally articulating the notion that those less successful deserve their misfortunes. You don't see anything analogously insulting there, I guess?

Also, frankly, you're strengthening my supposition that you're relatively privileged. I know privileged people. I was and arguably am one. I know how important to such people the narrative that their own success is a result of just how goshdarn deservingly awesome they are. And hey, I'm friends with people like you, so it's not like this conversation has to be so openly hostile.

And like I said, I am not going to argue with you, you dont know what you dont know, your experience is so short, there is nothing I can learn from you that I havent heard 100 times from rental applicants and renters and their sob stories.

I explicitly asked you to explain to me what I don't know. Now, I very consciously suppressed my internal urge to cry out that you were going to do exactly what I knew you would: "Nah, I have the secret of life, but I'm too successful to be bothered by articulating here. I'm just going to talk about how dumb you are instead."

Frankly, I feel like I afforded you a lot of civil accommodation, but if you want to respond by getting mad at the notion that fortune had any part to play in your material success whilst simultaneously implying I'm lazy or entitled because I'm not as successful, then you are projecting to the world that you lack any wisdom worth sharing. Prove me wrong, if you want. But if you just come back and say I wasn't deferential enough to you so you shall refrain from sharing me your magical secrets, you can get bent with that faux wisdom shite.

The rest of your comment is the most condescending, vacuous pseudo-philosophical nonsense. I really struggled to find a more civil way of articulating that, but I really don't know how to. And before you start, no I'm not making a personal attack on you, I have no idea who you are. I just think that final paragraph was remarkably smug, self-serving, and intellectually dishonest. I just don't know how to make you see that without you retreating further away into your own conviction that others just don't understand you because they're not as enlightened or whatever.

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