Here is my first Rengar montage.

Hi mate thanks for watching ! I'm glad you asking me that, I'm gonna answer all of them for you bro :D

Do you always jungle Rengar? Yes I do. I just can't play it top since I always get rekt in early levels and can't do anything in the game. Rengar is really good at top though, just rush your level 6 and roam on the map, but I'm not good enough to play it top.

How do you build him? stalker's blade warrior (you can use red or purple's one depending what u pref) -> lucidity boots (to have early 40% cdr with runes/masteries and use more ults) -> tiamat -> youmuu -> last whisper -> finish hydra and then you can build malmortius/trinity or even randuin ;D but i need more damage sometimes to even one shot some guy

At what stage can you begin to oneshot people? You can't oneshot people until last whisper I would say, but like ONE-SHOT people because you can still 3-shots people maybe with like warrior and tiamat if you get fed early.

What are Rengar's power spikes? Rengar's power Rengar is really strong when lanes are over and you have youmuu because all you have to do is splitpushing bot, waiting the ennemy adc to come push the lane and get him with your ult while he is rotating botlane. When rengar has warrior hydra youmuu and lw, you can easily one shot carries and can sometimes kill 3 ppl in fight

How do you deal with being behind as Rengar? I stop ganking without ult and just farm farm farm, lane farm when ur ally is back and try to catch apcarry or botlane while farming jungle or rotating on the map to gets kill.

Tips To end, if you wanna play rengar, the best advices I can give you is to start redbuff, gank level 2 with 5 stacks and your e spell on the lane it is possible. Then I already said it, but try to splitpush sometimes like in botlane and take a look at the map if the ennemy adc is mid he will see the botlane pushing, just try to kill him while he is rotating ! same with top or mid if they are squishy. In fight don't try to be the hero and jump 1v5 trying to kill carries. Just wait untill you find the best moment to go ! Finally, be careful with the pinks at the gates of the ennemy jungle!

I really hope I helped you my friend ! Hope you will do good with Rengar if you wanna start playing it !

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