Here’s how to *really* save 2 meters...

I just wonder if some of it has to do with the underwhelming type of 2m rigs mobile rigs that are out there. I mostly use HF SSB because I spend my whole day on a computer at work. I don't want to look at one during hobby time.

I don't mean this idea would save 2 meters. But...

When the majority of rigs out there only do one thing: 2 meter FM, it's a bit uninspiring to me. Is it not possible to have mobile rigs that use AM, FM, SSB, and other modes I may not be aware of?

Another issue along the same vein is 2m SSB base antennas being horizontally polarized, vs FM base antennas being vertically polarized. It takes more effort and $$$ to be able to do both. We really need to make a decision on uniformity across the entire band.

/r/amateurradio Thread