US Hero posing with bunch of captured cowards!

That's even worse. These men were resigned to their fate. They couldn't draft dodge. Every damn country in the world was fighting in WWII. They were forced to fight, kill, and harm others. They took their whippings like a man, and you criticize them for the crimes of others, while you ran away. German soldiers weren't the ones killing Jews. They weren't the ones who imprisoned and tortured them in internment and concentration camps. They weren't the ones responsible for Reischskristallnacht.

That was the Schutzstaffel. Joseph Mengele. If these men tried to desert their duty, they would have been court marshaled and executed, or tortured. They fought and died because they had no choice to. You're giving them no dignity or respect by mocking them.

If it weren't for people like you, then German culture and heritage in America would still exist. My culture and heritage. Families had to change names, stop speaking their native language. They couldn't cook their family's recipes, or pass on cultural traditions.

There used to be entire German towns, where these things still harbors and flourished. You could go to a city in the middle of nowhere, and have English for a second language. German food, traditions, culture, history. And then nationalism and racism quelled them beneath their unforgiving boots, forgetting that these people had no fault in the matter.

And don't bother calling me a damned Nazi. My great grandparents and their family immigrated to the US after WW1. My grand uncle served in WWII, and risked his life for his country. Mocking and shamery the likes of which you're doing is the reason that my heritage and cultural identity, along with millions of other people was erased. Not to mention you're only giving legitimacy to these idiots.

These men had courage, something you obviously lack. They fought in one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history, and you're making peanuts of it, acting like some small event like the Chechen Conflict is remotely comparable.

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