Heroes of the Storm Balance Update - November 10, 2016

I fucking miss Murky so much, but I can't bring myself to roll the dice anymore with him (and haven't for a good half year or more) when he's countered by any mobility heroes who stick to him even through his bubble...and countered by any auto-attack heroes who kill him in two AA's and instantly delete his pufferfish making any pushing useless...and countered by any glass cannons who can kill him from a screen away with a single ability.

I've played a lot of Murky and consider myself pretty damn decent with him, but I'm actually really disheartened that he will continue to be shittier than Gazlowe was (and anybody who played back in the day knows that Gaz was in his own tier of terribleness for a long time) for another quarter of a year or so.

Sure, you can still take Murky, and maybe you can outplay some of the heroes that counter him, or maybe you'll just get lucky and the enemy team won't have any hard counters (read: mostly heroes from alpha/beta), but he just doesn't lay down the lane pressure that he used to...and without that, what does he have? Being an infinitely-respawning little shit doesn't matter when you die so easily you don't even get a chance to be an annoyance, or push, or do anything more than basically being Erik.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread Parent Link - us.battle.net