He's finally here! My high-investment EP DK

I love DK; I think his art is sick, and he's honestly a really cool character is 3H, and eventually he'll be +10.

Pretty much the goal of this build is to be as EP-oriented as possible, as well as be a strong Anti-Meta unit in AR, as his Scythe is a strong weapon that allows him to soft check Tactics teams, as well as hard counter the birds.

DC + QR to help out his EP a ton, and allows him to take on L!Azura, as well as Bonus Doubler/L!Eliwood shenanigans. Potentially Dull Close could be a really cool option here as well.

Speaking of birds, Ruptured Sky is there to secure the K.O. on them, as well as other beasts and dragons.

Finally, speaking of dragons, Warding Stance is there to stomach them, as well as some decently strong mages.

/r/FireEmblemHeroes Thread Link - i.redd.it