He's liking girls pics on instagram in bikinis...and when I asked he says I should focus on "improving our relationship

Yes and his double standard is just him saying that's just "how he is"

For example. Just last week: He was interviewing new assistant. His first wife was someone he worked with. He left her for another person he worked with...while his wife was pregnant with third child. They Didn’t marry. He married a second time.

Last week he asked me to come to work out of his office since he was interviewing people.

He interviewed a lady to replace current person who is train wreck and the walls are thin. I heard everything.

He talks the entire “interview”. Tells the lady his life story. Begins to talk about health insurance and how he can probably but her on his plan.

Tells her that he and his ex wife were separated. Tried to make it work. Went on a “fun” cruise while separated because they were Catholic. Got pregnant with third child. And then came home and felt it still didn’t work. So he lived in spare bedroom and they continued to separation and divorce through her pregnancy. But yay. Fast forward to today...There’s only 6 months left of child support because that was so long ago.

But that his ex didn’t work for 8 years. He gave her house...mortgage free and then when she got remarried he wanted to do something nice so he gave the house to his elderly parents. They currently live there.

Then he calls me his “current wife”. Talks about your business and how you are currently doing well in business and he is helping you in healthcare and laugh about soon you both may be millionaires because we are getting investors but he will never completely stop practicing medicine. He loves it so much. She will “always have a job” haha

He told her that my business partner was terrible and that he didn’t like him and that because of those issues I am currently trying to get him out of my company.

Then tells lady that my ex husband is a nightmare. And goes on and on about how awful his current employee is because of her constant calling in sick.

The girl probably said about 10 words. He talked the entire time. He came out and said he loved her. That she was very professional and has so many degrees etc (she does) and she is perfect.

I never saw her. But he said she was dressed very well and looked “classy”.

I wasn’t sure how to deal with what i heard so i didn’t say anything. For days. Then i blew up last night. At first he denied it. Then he realized i heard everything. He said he didn’t know why i was mad.

I told him he was disgusting...talking about how his daughter was conceived and how he is SO amazing for taking care or his ex for 8 years and now saving his parents.

He said that she needed to believe he was a good guy. I said it’s a JOB interview! This is insane. I told him i was not okay with him hiring her. I am embarrassed and that she knows far too much about his conception. His divorce. His finances. His parents And my ex!

He said he “may have said too much...but it’s just him being him. And that’s what makes people love him”.

He said I’m too private. That he will try to avoid saying this stuff in general...in the future but he can’t guarantee.

I told him I’m not okay with him hiring her. He said too bad. She was already hired. And that she will be “family”.

He said she is fat. And had a husband. So i shouldn’t care. I said it doesn’t matter. You have disclosed Too much.

Pick me or her. I’m not okay. He said he had to hire her and i should support that.

She started this morning and he asked me to come in and meet her. I declined to do that. I'm still trying to calm down. Would you be okay with that info going to your spouse's new hire?

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