Hey bros, do you have any advice on improving a shitty attitude?

Yes a lot of people are like that. And animals too. I’ve seen rescue puppies that have the same issues. You’re right to get therapy because the burden of ‘fixing’ it shouldn’t just rest on you, you’re a victim of something that’s made you like this. Maybe it’s just being closeted or maybe bullying. But it does make you like this.

I think your problems might be rooted in self defence. No one wants to be hurt, so we put up a prickly barrier to stop people coming to close. I’m not trying to be poetic about it, but it makes you alone and sad doing that kind of thing.

It might help to learn to laugh about it, lighten up, let it go.

It’s good you have admitted you have problems and want to work on them. It’s also ok to just accept you can be a dick sometimes too.

Im not saying fake being nice or anything, but you just need to open up and let people see you are a human being and your vulnerable.


All the mindfulness and self obsession is unhealthy imo. You are getting obsessed with yourself and focusing everything in on you.

You got to train yourself to focus on others in a way that’s friendly.

/r/askgaybros Thread