Hey church, with that 32 billion on hand, why don't you do background checks on primary teachers.

It’s not going to weed out anyone without a history of criminal behavior, but would a perceptive social worker be able to recognize it with an interview? I really don’t know, but it would be great if that was another requirement of working with kids. I was never personally interviewed for BSA positions unless you count the bishopric member extending the calling; just an online course and I assumed they used my SSN to check for criminal history, but I’d have supported however many interviews were necessary just to err on the side of caution.

I was sexually abused and targeted by “straight” lds men, some married and having checked off the various tbm boxes to prove worthiness. I watched Spotlight and cried my eyes out knowing how many boys and men killed themselves from being diddled by catholic clergy. I stuffed my trauma down for a very long time. I spent many years terrified, confused, suicidal, and entirely distrustful of men. I still have trust issues with men. I am glad that the abuse didn’t give me any desire to continue the cycle. Abuse fucks victims up in unseen and unknowable ways. There is no cost too great to ensure kids are not put in positions where a pedophile has power and control over them and the opportunity to strike. LDS, inc. should definitely shoulder the cost of extensive background checks.

I was fiercely protective of my scouts. For many years after I moved away from my last major ward scouting position, I was tracked down to attend various life events for them, and I am grateful they had someone with my critical eye to watch out for them. That is literally the only positive I can take from my experience as an abuse victim: the ability to quickly determine when one was being hit on, targeted. It helped me survive my teenage years when other men tried to corner me. I hope I was the example of a leader that my scouts can emulate.

I may delete this. I get all kinds of anxiety sharing this publicly.

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