Hey EA, I have a new idea for monthly login characters.

I actually don't have a problem with night sister spirit as the login character but I know that a lot of people complain about getting characters they already have as login characters. Moreover, this subreddit is filled with complaints about marquee characters and how hard they are to farm (usually they get put in a hard node). So my idea is to have a vote, at the end of each month, in which we can all vote on which marquee character that came out in the previous month we like the best. Then that marquee character will be the next month's login character. So for example, if Jango was voted by the community to be the best Marquee character of September, then he'd be October's login character. Obviously new characters such as Chewbacca who are legendary characters would be excluded from the voting. I know it wouldn't help anyone to get the character to seven stars, but it could give a little boost that would definitely be appreciated.

/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes Thread