Hey Europe, do you know what an interesting use of cookies might be?

A cookie is a small file that is stored on your machine which allows the server to identify you as the same client from a previous request when you make a new request to the server. This is what allows the server to know that you're logged in - among many other things.

This is in essence what cookies are.

The nefarious aspect of cookies is that they allow servers to identify you from one domain to another - that is, tracking you and thereby mapping your browsing behavior. This is what's called "third party cookie" i.e. a cookie that is set and read from a domain other than the site you're visiting. The site will have some embedded pages/links to tracking servers that will take care of the third party cookies (mostly ads).

Apart from cookies there are a host of other ways to identify your browser in a unique or near-unique way which doesn't depend on cookies and which you cannot prevent through normal blocking. These methods generally are called "fingerprinting" which means your browser sends a lot of information to the server which tend to be unique or near-unique to your browser. They will use this information to create a specific profile for you and will be able to recognize when you hit one of their servers again some other time.

/r/europe Thread