Hey Guys

Having a bigger hippocampus will cure your sad feelz, NSI-189 increases hippocampal volume by 20% so your emotions are better regulated.

The brains of treated mice showed significantly increased neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and significantly increased hippocampal volume (Data on file, Neuralstem, non-peer-reviewed). NSI-189 is believed to have a highly specific effect in the hippocampus and subventricular zone, the two well-known neurogenic regions in adult central nervous system, and nowhere else in the central nervous system (Data on file, Neuralstem, non-peer-reviewed). In vitro studies with NSI-189 showed limited metabolism involving oxidative processes combined with some evidence for glucuronide conjugation (Data on file, Neuralstem, non-peer-reviewed). Estimates of total clearance of NSI-189 (CL/F) in healthy normal subjects indicated moderate clearance approximating hepatic blood flow (Data on file, Neuralstem, non-peer-reviewed). Urine samples from preclinical or clinical testing have not been analyzed.


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