Hey guys, I don't think anyone cares, but I just unsubscribed from /r/Entrepreneur. Mostly because it's all questions about people's personal business ideas and startups, more in text.

I mean, what did you expect? The problem is that most people who are highly successful don't have any incentive to share. This whole sub is full of vultures. The second someone says "I have a business making $xx,xxx, here's exactly what I do", there's 500 competitors that launch the next week, and all the OP got out of it was a good feeling of "helping people" and some karma internet points. I don't care who you are or how successful and protected your business is, there's no incentive to share shit here. Zero. Zilch. At least, nothing with substantial substance... nothing the likes of what most people are here looking for.

Welcome to real life. If you want success you'll probably have to work really fucking hard for it and find it for yourself. You're surprised you come to this forum and didn't leave a millionaire a week later? The reason this sub is filled with tons of crappy afffiliate sites and is overflowing with subscription services are because they're ideas that have really low barriers to entry and everyone's just being "monkey see monkey do". Why would anyone with a successful idea, especially one that could be easily duplicated, ever tell this forum what they do? They wouldn't. The majority of people sharing aren't who you want to consume content from. The majority of people here have no fucking idea what they're doing, they have no original thoughts or ambitions, and they just want the easiest way possible to achieve what they measure as financial success.

To be clear I'm not ripping on the people who have made contributions to this sub. Bravo, you all have big balls. But really, for every post here that's all about "post your ideas! no one will steal them!" there's 10,000 readers ready to jump on board and do just that. It's funny - I notice it's mostly the successful people encouraging other people to share, but not doing too much of the sharing themselves.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread