Hey guys I'm running low inhib game before I rope

look up Jmulv on youtube he’s really good he’s tall as fuck 6’4 but he’s blackpilled. You need lifts buy 3 inch lifts and then 6 inch lifts.

He’s blackpilled cuz basically you’re gonna approach girls and if they don’t seem into the approach you leave immediately, don’t be direct cuz it’s assumed you’re hitting on her so just say hi let her look at you and notice her facial reaction of positive then be like hey what’s your name i’m X shake her hand blah blah and then if she replies well you know she’s into your LOOKS so as long as you don’t saying anything dumb you get the number and set up a date on the spot then text her the next day

Alternatively you can be indirect and ask questions (this way you won’t get rejected) then drop in hints like oh where i’m from blah blah blah so i’m just confused about where this place is blah blah blah

she’ll likely ask where your from, then you can reply and ask her the same (baiting her) then you can be like hey i wasn’t expecting this but like i think i’d regret not asking you for your number you seem really cool blah blah and close

It’s complicated but if you’re a normie there’s a lot you can do and learn in game (so long as your looks are 4-6 normie tier)

If barely any girls are giving you attention even with 6 inch lifts move on to the next step:

Contact a surgeon about possible plastic surgeries, see how it can turn out on the computer models, test those models on tinder, etc. If it’s looking good get the surgery.

Get surgery, then approach again, lifts on and see what happens, rinse and repeat.

If that doesn’t work:

Fly to a 3rd world country and repeat this process and profit

If still not rinse and repeat etc

/r/Braincels Thread