Hey guys, let’s be positive! What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Ok you're gonna have to bear with me here but a few years ago I just started practicing feeling happier and more positive towards strangers and people not super close to me (thanks for the idea, Buddha!) and now my temperament is way more level, avoiding rows in the office is easier and I've found my moral compass is speaking to me way more clearly about what I should do in my life and, say, which policies I should get behind in my country's politics. It's also way easier to subsume my own needs and desires beneath ideas more focused on others, and cooperation. This seems to make a better marriage also! I'm not perfect by any means but this is probably the thing I'm most pleased about, not in a self-satisfied way (although there is that) but more the general satisfaction the things feel easier and finding positive engagement is so easy.

/r/AskReddit Thread