Hey guys (Muslim here). I was wondering if you guys could answer some of my questions, and I can answer any of yours inshallah.

1) I consider Jesus the son of God mainly based on a lot of what He's said. It really comes down to whether we believe Jesus's words or no longer trust Him. However, I don't think the bible refers to prophets as dons of God. If I understand it correctly, sons of God is referring to angels.

2) In the beginning of the Gospel of John it's explained a bit more. The idea is that Jesus existed long before Mary gave birth to Him. Jesus said similar things telling religious leaders that before Abraham, Jesus still existed. But in the 1 chapter of John it's explained as Jesus is the Word of God. When God spoke the universe into existence those words were Jesus. And in Genesis, that's the first act of creation. God spoke ,"Let there be light.". Making light both the creation of God, and the creation of God's word. Jesus is God's word made in a human form.

3). Jesus said that He is the way the truth and the Light. And that no one can come to God except through Jesus. Also on a conversation with His disciples, the disciples asked for Jesus to show them God. Jesus answered that since they've seen Jesus they've also seen God. In Mathew 14:33, Jesus's disciples exclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God, and they worshiped Him. As far as I can tell, Jesus allowed this and accepted this. I think there are other examples of people worshiping Jesus also, but I don't remember where

4). LGBTQ+ is a mixed conversation when it comes to Christians. Some believe it is ok. Others do not. At least for me, I rely on what I read from the bible to only consider the action of being homosexual as a sin. Whereas most people identify themselves as homosexual based on whether they are attracted to the same sex or not. It's still a hard thing to ask in my opinion, to ask them to refrain from sexual relationships entirely, but as far as I can tell that's what the Bible says. However there is one other thing to add, in the bible the punishment for adultery was death for both people caught in the act. The standard for that kind of punishment still required at least two witnesses, and I think those conditions along with God's mercy towards king David when he committed adultery is part of why people aren't trying to stone those who are adulterers. In my opinion both Homosexuality (the act not the attraction), as well as adultery are sexual sins. If one is to be punished then both of them are. Yet I don't see many people lining up to kill adulterers.


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