Hey guys, is this true?

You know I've actually done a self post, including links in the past, but it was still met with downvotes. I really don't know that much about politics, and I'll never know enough. I only know what I like, what I think sounds reasonable, and selfishly, what I want for myself. And the joke is I started off a Bernie Sanders supporter from the start, but have since then wavered. I had particular issues with Bernie's campaign, but when I said anything Bernie supporters on this subreddit talked to me like I was an idiot. I go on facebook, scroll down the comments on Bernie posts, and I swear I've seen more divisiveness there than anywhere. A lot of people talking down to each other, almost as if they are on the top of some intellectual hierarchy. I go to Trump's page, read his comments, and everyone there is very supportive, optimistic, and there seems to be more sense of a 'community.'

That being said. Some people would argue that lowering the min wage creates more jobs for more people. I don't know, I'm not an economist. But I am a human. And humans vote. And when I am told I have 'low-effort submissions', or it's my fault for being 'immediately downvoted', that plays a factor into who I'm voting for. I like Bernie Sanders, and I like his message. But man, you Bernie supporters need to start showing respect for other people. Trump attacks Bernie personally, but never Bernie's supporters. Trump never says, "Bernie Sanders' voters are some of the lowest educated people in America" and he never says "Clinton supporters are dangerous!!". It's ironic as hell that the democratic party believes in themselves to be so self righteous, so smart, and so democratic, yet they continue to alienate people who don't agree with them, or follow their customs.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread Parent Link - imgur.com