Hey, I had a novel idea.. Instead of you being assholes to the newbies.. And everybody going nowhere.. how's about we get a sticky thread, that lasts a week.. One random noob that won the WATMM lottery, who we help out and give tips to.

ok, we're starting to get a gist here of this fellow before we even read any of it. Stepping into a thread, going, "you're wrong, I'm right".

ok, so I'm wrong.. we can go back to how things are. Dr. Phil would make you ask yourself.. how's the WATMM shit, been workin out for ya since I noticed reddit in 2007. How's what you been doing, been workin out for ya.

Here's what I do notice though, checking r / all or popular, there's zilch audio and music. So who's correct here in the way you guys have been currently operating in the past decade? 300 fuckin going nowhere posts in the weekly WATMM feedback threads, circle jerking patting each other on the back but zilch widespread, mainstream attention.

Who's correct there, the way this subreddit toils in obscurity.

Now we're starting to get into, nevermind my blow-hard shit. We're getting into objective facts that have nothing to do with my 2 fuckin cents.

Yet I'm wrong? ok bud.. keep fuckin thinking I'm wrong, while you've been floundering in obscurity around here.

What I'm doing, is stepping into a scenario, observing what's going on, going.. hey I noticed you're fuckin losing.. and they go.. no.. you're wrong.

ok if I'm so fuckin wrong.. how come fuckin WATMM has never been on the entire reddit's site front page?

Never fuckin mind my fuckin lame duck 2 cents.. how's about we analyze your shit.. You're so fuckin "right" about how you know it all and I'm a "loser".. well what's your proof there. You know, evidence supporting how you fucking know it all and I'm a loser, that you claim and you know it all and you're winning and I'm losing.

Well, look around. I don't see much winning.

Wait, son.. we'll get into your shit next. And I haven't even fucking read a word of how you know it all. You want fuckin 80wpm pointed at your fucking know it all ass.. you got it, bud. Let's go. lol. I got all fuckin weekend to fuckin fuck your ass. lol,. How's that grab ya?

Yet, you're "correct" and I'm "wrong". ok.. but what have we seen so far. Yeah, you're winning, like you claim.

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread Parent