Hey Psyonix

C, ,FDTD deft ferry fr dfw4%%&>I'm no stranger to updates, but this game in particular stands out as the worst offender I've evepr seen.

No gamoie should be having 2-4 gb updates every month, especially not when the game is only 7gb. I7 They'll They'll have have any of a need to optimises their shit. Every o(((ther game I've playe>I'm no stranger to updates, but this game in particular stands out as the worst offender I've ever seen.

No game should be havidng 2-4 gb updates every month, especially not when the game is only 7gb. They need to optimise their shit. Every oother game I've played manages to do it.pm

New content is nice, but I'm not putting up with these levels of clearly unoptimised downloads just on the off chance I want to play 2 hours or so a month, and I'll bet I'm not alone.

d manages to do it.>I'm no stranger to updates, but7 this game into your browser particular stands out as the worst offender I've ever seen.

No game should be having 2-4 gb updates every month, especially not when the game is only 7gb. They need to optimise their shit. Every other game I've played manages to do it.

New content is nice, but I'm not putting up with these levels of clearly unoptimised downloads just on the off chance I want to play 2 hours or so a month, and I'll bet I'm not alone.

New content is nice, but I'm not putting up with these levels of clearly unoptimised downloads just on the off chance I want to play 2 hours or so a month, and I'll bet I'm not alone. 8

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