Hey quick question, why can’t I type Tiananmen

You probably dig into some deep nasty shit.

I mean, if you consider /r/shitamericanssay or /r/historymemes deep, nasty shit, sure, I guess.

What shit , on reddit, is supposed to be more deep and nasty than t_d anyway? AFAIK that's the most extreme hate sub that's not banned.

since you edited your comment I’ll add that you have no issue with doxxing others you are part of the insane part of reddit when you take the time to screen cap post history, upload it on imgur, then post a comment with said image.

Uhm, that's not doxxing. It's your PUBLIC comment history.

Doxxing is taking your personal addresses, name, phone numbers etc and making them public. Identifying information.

You know, like /r/rainbow6 doxxed a 16 year old kid and posted his address into various rape-fantasy forums on the darkweb. Because he created hacks for the games PvE mode that made you earn more currency.

Also... I didn't screen cap post history, technically, just the masstagger summary. And "taking the time" is like... 5 seconds with snipping tool lol

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