Hey I really like the halo and Titanfall universe so I asked who would win. Let me know your guys thoughts!

ns while only to my knowledge, the UNSC only have the Spartan laser. Halo ships are huge but I believe it’s reasonably to say that Titanfall ships are of similar sizes. For vehicles/mechs. I believe Titanfall Titans would beat all of the vehicles that the UNSC have such as the scorpion tank, the warthog, the mantis, etc. The titans weapons are very powerful and they come in different varieties and can be used for different roles effectively, for example. Tones are good for a charge or a frontal attack, scorches would be good for destroying enemy fortifications. NorthStar would be good on defense. Ronin would be good for scouting and attacking. Monarch would be a good support and ion would and Titan that’s flexible and good in all situations. This is just my opinion. Yeah master chief would probably destroy a pilot but would get one shotted by a titan. I see the TF universe and Halo universe very close and even but I don’t know who would come out on top

/r/halo Thread Link - i.redd.it