Hey Reddit, do you believe in god - why, or why not? [Serious]

I'd consider myself an agnostic atheist. Just as there's no proof that god(s) does exist, there's no way to prove he/she/whatever doesn't. With that being acknowledged, I've still decided that the existence of a deity is unlikely.

I started out as a full blown atheist, because I didn't think that religion made any logical sense. Coming from a Catholic background, Christianity was my main target of skepticism. The stories in the Bible felt so detached from reality. It just seemed impractical and senseless.

As I've grown, my disbelief in Earth's religions as remained. I figure if there is a god out there, its story sure as hell isn't going to be accurately documented by anyone our on tiny rock. I think that the universe's origin can be adequately explained by science, there's no need for a god. However I know that the human race is unimaginably ignorant, so I could very well be wrong.

Right now I'm fully engrossed in absurdism and existentialism. I feel much more empowered and content knowing life's meaning is defined by me. There's a blank canvas, and I control what I paint it with.

/r/AskReddit Thread